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Microsoft are rolling out new features and changes to the Microsoft 365 services frequently.


Multi-lingual publishing for pages and news in communication sites

Organizations with diverse users benefit by having content throughout their intranet sites available in multiple languages. With this new feature, site owners can extend inclusive experiences within SharePoint communication sites for their globally diverse workforce.


New publishing commands have been added to SharePoint Pages library

You'll see them show up in the command bar at the top of the library or within the file card that appears when you hover over a page's title. There will be visual cues that a file has changed (either content or metadata) and any related messaging - with the call to action to publish or republish the page. This makes things more visual and possible to take multiple actions across numerous pages.


The SharePoint mobile app will adhere to customized tenant themes and branding

Admins configure the various options from within the Microsoft365 admin center. From here, they can assert a logo image, navigation bar color, text and icon color and accent color. Once set, the SharePoint mobile app per each of your users within that tenant will be closer adherence to your company theme and brand.


SharePoint root site swap no longer restricted to customers with 10k users or more

We have enabled the ability to swap the location of a SharePoint root site with another site - most often a communication site - using the PowerShell cmdlet, Invoke-SPOSiteSwap.


Wiki notation for page links

Add links even faster within the text web part of your pages and news. Type [[ where you want a link to appear, and you'll be able to select from a list of pages on your site. Or, you can enter a link by typing [[your link name | URL]].


Redesigned SharePoint Pages and Lists app for teams, plus a new standalone SharePoint pages app

You'll see both app choices when you click the "+" button in a Teams channel to add new content. Using the original SharePoint app, your members and owners can now create a tab in their Teams channels that makes a page or list from any SharePoint Team site visible and useable within Teams.


Edit metadata from within the SharePoint Document Library and List View web parts

People will soon be able to open and edit file or list item properties directly from the document or list view web parts. They no longer need to navigate to the actual List or Document Library to update things. Just click the Info or “More” under item properties wherever that web part has been added.


SharePoint lists - conditional formatting rule builder with new rich-text capabilities

People can use If/then logic to format rows and columns based on attributes like numerical, date, etc. to apply color formatting across SharePoint lists and libraries. You can add several variable conditions, so the data does or does not get formatted based on the rules you've defined.


Put Stream Videos in PowerApps & Microsoft Forms

Your company’s favorite Power Apps for travel, training and more now support Stream videos; bring all your company videos into custom productivity apps to improve engagement and knowledge retention.


Producing Live Events in Yammer just got easier

Now Yammer community admins can schedule, produce, and broadcast a live event in just a few clicks. Attendees can access the event page in Yammer and participate in open discussion before, during, and after the event.